How to Improve Your Visualization Skills

manifestation Feb 09, 2023

Visualizing is an important part of manifesting any goal.

As with anything, there are ways of using this technique that are more effective than others.  This process may be a little more involved than what you're currently doing to manifest your objectives, but don't let that stop you.

Practicing will only require 5 minutes each day, and the results will well worth the effort.

Let's get started and make something happen!

1. Be thorough.

Envisioning yourself accomplishing your objective is just a beginning. To be thorough, visualize your life as a whole, including all the changes that would result from achieving your objective. By doing this, you make your vision real enough to have significant effects.

For example, imagining a big pile of cash on your dining room table isn’t enough to achieve greater wealth. If you really did have that much money, would you really have it piled up on your dining room table? Unlikely. You'd most likely have a bank...

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